[John Erwin]
In love, Virgo?
Oh, you still have to figure it out
Well, one doesn't jump into the thing
I mean, love's complicated enough without getting all emotionally caught up in it
It's reason that makes the world go around
There's little enough time to do your work and no time at all for false starts and meaningless affairs
But, maybe this time it adds up
[Nancy Priddy]
In love with a Virgo man, my girl?
Well, button up your overcoat, here comes winter
And it will be a long, cold winter
He doesn't melt easily, but when spring finally comes, it'll be kind of nice
Not exactly warm, but at least you won't freeze
And what a sense of accomplishment
Also, what an education
He's a bright one
You'll have discovered you're more than a body in a face
You're also a brain
Then when summer happens, you'll be glad you sweated out the cold
Because when he finally declares himself, summer could last a long time
[Michael Bell]
In love with a Virgo girl, my man?
Well, I hope you have the truth habit
The only thing that works with her is straight talk
If you're in love with love, or you're a finger snapper who makes the scene and never gives it a second thought
You'd better pass
She wants more than a fast story, a kiss, and a promise
Besides, she probably had you figured in ten minutes
And you'll get the total rundown of what's wrong with you
No details spared
Virgos are big on details
Like, uh, how much do you weigh?
How much do you earn?
How much do you owe?
What books do you read?
If you pass the test, you must have a lot going for you
The lady is a perfectionist
Even after you get a yes, it may take a long stretch before you really reach her
Don't forget, she likes a man who takes his time
[John Erwin]
Out of love, Virgo?
It doesn't figure
Or, write it off
Work around the clock, who needs it?
Next time, try a Capricorn or a Taurus
Or just get it through your head that numbers can lie
And so can people