The cats went after those mice like rockets!
As fast as they could run
They chased them all right out of the kingdom
Well, all, that is, but one
Oh, I'm sorry, did you miss that the first time around? Well, lucky for you, with the aid of modern technology, we can listen that again. Rewind the tape, play it back, and with the help of our play-by-play commentator, we can follow the scene again, a little more closely.
Hi there, sports fans. What a game of cats and mice it's been. We're picking up the action mid-chasе. The mice have been outmatchеd this afternoon. The cats have been bigger, stronger, and faster. The mice just haven't been able to-- ooh! That's gotta hurt! Fans, these mice are going, going, gone. Wait, wait just a minute. Holy cow, there's still once mouse hanging on! Oh, what a move! He slices! He dices! He's in, he's out, he's got these cats running in circles now. You can't teach this kind of thing! The cats are thoroughly confused now! Wait a minute, I've lost sight of them. Fans, I'm gonna try to get down there for an interview.
Hello, Mr. Mouse. Can we ask you a few questions?
(:panting:) Well, I'm sort of busy right now, but OK.
What's your name?
Squeaky. Squeaky Mouse.
Well Squeaky, the listeners need to know. Where did you learn moves like that?
Well, it's mostly instinct. I do work out though, obviously.
We are all impressed. What are your plans now?
Concealment, recuperation, and strategy.
There it is folks, big words from a small mouse. Back to you, Steve.
Thanks, play-by-play commentator. We'll go back to that brave little mouse later. But for now, back to the story.