Clark: Steve?
Steve: Yeah
Clark: Do you want to pretend that this is, like, a telephone call?
Steve: (chuckles) OK
Clark: Ring, ring
Steve: Hello, this is Steve
Clark: Hi, this is Clark. Do you wanna hear a joke?
Steve: (chuckles) Hey Clark, how's it goin’?
Clark: Good
Steve: Sure, I'd love to hear a joke. Go ahead
Clark: A cowboy walked into a restaurant and said, "All right, all right. Who's the wise guy that painted my horse yellow?" A seven-foot tall mean-looking charactеr stood up from the bar and said, "I did. What did you want to tell me?" And thе cowboy said, "I thought you’d like to know... (gulps) the first coat is dry."
Steve: (laughs) That's the whole joke, right?
Clark: Yeah
Steve: Nice