[SILLY, spoken]
Hey Steve, how's it going?
[STEVE, spoken]
Hey Silly, I'm so glad you came. I have this new song, and I, I think that you would be perfect for it. Do you think you could help sing along?
[SILLY, spoken]
[STEVE, spoken]
It's a song about uhh, the alphabet
[SILLY, spoken]
Love it, love it. Let's do it
[STEVE, spoken]
Umm, OK. I'll start singing it and I think you'll get an idea of how it works, and then you just chime in whenever you feel comfortable, OK?
[SILLY, spoken]
All right, OK. I, I'm your man. I mean, I'm your puppet. Rock 'n' roll
[STEVE, sung]
A, A, A, A is for Silly
[SILLY, spoken]
No, no it's not
[STEVE, spoken]
Yeah yeah yeah, because you're awesome. And a-mazing
[SILLY, spoken]
(snorts) Umm, OK. Hard to argue with that
[STEVE, sung]
B, B, B, B is for chilly
[SILLY, spoken]
OK, what's going on? B is not for "chilly"
[STEVE, spoken]
(chuckles) Yeah, when a cold breeze makes you go "brrr"
[SILLY, spoken]
Ohhhh.. kay. All right, let me give it a shot
C, C, C, C is for this song
[STEVE, spoken]
Why is that?
[SILLY, spoken]
'Cause it's cuckoo! (laughs)
[STEVE, sung]
D, D, D for what you all a piece of rain
[SILLY, spoken]
A drop?
[STEVE, spoken]
E, E, E for who drives the train
[SILLY, spoken]
An engineer
[STEVE, spoken]
(chuckles) Yeah
[SILLY, sung]
F, F, F for how I got here today
[STEVE, spoken]
Did you fly?
[SILLY, sung]
Yes, I flew
[STEVE, sung]
G is the color of a frog
[SILLY, spoken]
H is for trick-or-treat
[STEVE, spoken]
On Halloween
I is for what fills up a pen
[SILLY, spoken]
I know, ink!
[STEVE, spoken]
J is for what we say when we--
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
--say the same thing at the same time. Jinx. Double jinx. Triple jinx. Quadruple jinx
[SILLY, spoken]
Infinity jinx!
[STEVE, spoken]
Doh, infinity jinx!
[SILLY, spoken]
Ha ha ha!
K is the national symbol of Australia
Come on Steve, you know this one. Oh I'm sorry, you can talk now. Unjinx. (chuckles)
[STEVE, spoken]
And L is for you and me
[SILLY, spoken]
Why is that?
[STEVE, sung]
Because A B C D E F G H I .. J K L love you
[SILLY, spoken]
Oh, that is very nice. Thank you, thank you. Umm, hey Steve?
[STEVE, spoken]
[SILLY, spoken]
I got an idea. How about we do it from the beginning, just in case people are confused, umm, at what's going on
[STEVE, spoken]
OK, OK, good idea
A is for awesome
B is for breeze
[SILLY, spoken]
C is for cuckoo
[STEVE, spoken]
D is for drop
E for engineer
[SILLY, spoken]
F for fly and flew
[STEVE, spoken]
G is for green
[SILLY, spoken]
H for Halloween
[STEVE, spoken]
I is for ink
[SILLY, spoken]
J is for jinx
[STEVE, spoken]
And K is for kangaroo
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
And L, L, L is for love, because
A B C D E F G H I .. J K L love you
[SILLY, spoken]
OK, let's keep it going
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
[STEVE, sung]
Simply undeniable
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
[STEVE, sung]
And completely verifiable
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
[STEVE, spoken]
It's wacky, and wild
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
And X
[STEVE, spoken]
Doh, I forgot to do X. Uhh, any ideas, Silly?
[SILLY, spoken]
Umm, yeah. How about...
More fun than a xylophone?
[STEVE, spoken]
Why, yes! Why not?
Z let's zip this thing up now
Because we're just about done with this alphabet song
It was terrifically fun
[SILLY, sung]
Maybe a little too long
[STEVE & SILLY, sung]
But now we're through... yeah!