Oh, not that music again. Well, I suppose this is your idea of a solution?
[Wise Men]
Wise Man 1: Well, yes
Wise Man 2:Yes!
Wise Man 3: [?] that it's a good idea
There are two-ton animals trying on my underwear!
[Wise Men]
Wise Man 1: Now sire, this is not a problem
Wise Man 2: Yes, we've got this all figured out
Wise Man 3: Right, we have one word for you
All: Whales!
Whales?? What are you, nuts?
[Wise Men]
Wise Man 1: We meant dinosaurs
Dinosaurs?!?! Why don't we just invite our friends the space aliens to come down and abduct the elephants?
[Wise Men]
Wise Man 1: That's uh. that's brilliance!
Wise Man 2: Superb!
Wise Man 3: You're a genius!
You're fired!
[Wise Men]
Yeah! Awwww
Ugh now how am I gonna get rid of these elephants?
[Sam (an elephant)]
You got a problem with elephants?
No! No! Not at all! They're wonderful! Uhh, they never forget a thing! Wonderful! I love Dumbo, it's a wonderful movie. Yes. It's just, well, umm, they are bowling in my throne room. Hmm
YOUR throne room?
Uhh, no, no. I mean, uhh, nothing
[Elephant 2]
This king giving you trouble, Sam? Hey, boys! (King: Ow! Watch it!) I wonder if he rolls? (King: Excuse me) HAHAHAHAHA (King: Help me!)
Lucky for the king, Mozzarella happened to be close by
She was in the castle making a cheese delivery
When she heard the king's cry
Oh no, Squeaky, the king is in trouble!
What do we do, Mozzarella?
Let me think. Oh, I've got an idea! (:furtive whispering:)
Good idea!
Let's go for it!
She sent him to find all of his mouse friends
As fast as his legs could go
Because while elephants aren't afraid of much
They are of mice, you know
In no time at all, Squeaky was back
Along with a miniature mob
They spotted the elephants, then employed their best scare tactics
Mice: Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah
Narrator: Which seemed to do the job
Elephant: Ahh, somebody get me out of here! Mice freak me out! Get outta my way!
Narrator: That elephant team ran like the wind
Screaming all the way out of town
And on their way out, they toppled the gates
And knocked all the walls right down
The king breathed a huge sigh of relief (King: whew!)
But what he soon realized gave him new cause for grief
For no sooner had their work been done
To cause the elephants to flee
Then the mice got down to work again
This time, eating cheese
Mice: We are the mice! La la la la
Oh goodness me, we're right back where we started (:sobs:)
Your majesty, I have an idea
What's that, Mozzarella?
I think that we could all live together. If we agree to get along with the mice, they'll agree to follow the rules of the kingdom, and eat with nice manners. And since there are so many mice, they can help out the cheese makers to make enough cheese for everyone
And she was right
The townsfolk and mice put their differences aside
They shook hands, and in the end
They realized they had a lot in common
It turned out they quite enjoyed being friends
And with the help of the mice
There was so much cheese
That they were able to comfortably provide
Cheese for the townsfolk, cheese for the mice
And a little extra cheese put aside
They agreed they would use all the leftover cheese
Of which some was Monterey Jack
To start an annual Cheese Party Parade
And they invited all the animals back
So the mice, cats, dogs, lions, elephants, and townsfolk too
All got together to put on the event
You can imagine the party they threw
Music and dancing and cheese, of course
And in the end they found
Sharing and working together
Was better than all that chasing around
So it just goes to show
You never can tell who a friend might be
Big or small, short or tall
From next door, or from way across the sea
A girl, a dog, a mouse, a king
A friend can be any of these
And that's the lesson I learned
From the king, the mice, and the cheese
Now before we conclude with the Cheese Party Parade
And the final finale song
I want to thank you very much
For listening and singing along
Thanks, see you next time
And until then, remember
It's always good to share your cheddar
'Cause cheese is good
But friends are better