While the dogs find the king to collect their payment of tea
Let's go back to our brave little friend from Act 1, Scene 3
You remember, Squeaky. The one who escaped from the cats?
Well he ran through the town, ducking behind this, and scurrying under that
Until on a quiet street, he found a hiding place just right for a mouse
In the cupboard of the kitchen of a cheese maker's house (Shh! I'm hiding!)
But wait, someone's coming into the kitchen for water
It's fair Mozzarеlla, the cheese maker's daughtеr
[Mozzarella, spoken]
Boy, am I thirsty. I think I'll get a drink of water. La la la. Cups are in the cupboard... oh my! A mouse!
[Squeaky, spoken]
Oh my! A person!
[Mozzarella, spoken]
What are you doing in there?
[Squeaky, sung]
Shh! Are there any cats around?
Please don't tell them that you found me
In your kitchen squeaky clean
Do you think we could be friends?
[Mozzarella, sung]
Well I think the coast is clear
You have nothing more to fear
In my kitchen squeaky clean
Hmmm... I guess we could be friends
Are you nice or are you mean?
[Squeaky, sung]
My name is Squeaky Mouse
I really like your house
I think that I am nice
So say the other mice
[Mozzarella, sung]
My name is Mozzarella
It's nice to meet you, fella
And now, if you don't mind, I'll tell a joke
[Squeaky, spoken]
I don't mind
[Mozzarella, spoken]
Where did the king put his armies?
[Squeaky, spoken]
I don't know. Where did he put them?
[Mozzarella, spoken]
In his sleevies! Get it? Armies? Sleevies?
[Squeaky & Mozzarella, sung]
Do you want to play with me?
Do you want to stay with me?
Do you want to be my friend?
Do you want to play with me?
Do you want to stay with me?
Stay with me until the end?
[Squeaky, sung]
What's your favorite thing to eat?
Mine is cheese, it can't be beat
[Mozzarella, sung]
Really? That's my favorite too
I think I could be friends with you
[Squeaky & Mozzarella, sung]
Do you want to play with me?
Do you want to stay with me?
Do you want to be my friend?
Do you want to play with me?
Do you want to stay with me?
Stay with me until the end?
La la la la la la la
[Mozzarella, spoken]
What's your favorite band?
[Squeaky, spoken]
Well, you've probably never heard of them, but they're called the Cheese Heads
[Mozzarella, spoken]
Are you kidding?? I love the Cheese Heads! They're so cool! I especially like their lead singer, Mr. Muenster
[Squeaky, spoken]
Yeah, that guy rules!
[Mozzarella, spoken]
Have you heard their new album yet?
[Squeaky, spoken]
[Squeaky & Mozzarella, sung]
You can't be too cheesy for cheese
[Mozzarella, spoken]
Let's go upstairs and listen to them. And we can grab a slice of Provolone on the way
[Squeaky, spoken]
Well, it looks like Squeaky's found himself a good friend, and I have a feeling that before too long, we'll be hearing from those two again