My heart swings
in the balance
of this longing.
it is suspended here,
anxiously awaiting
sweet release.
tightly wound tension
throbs in my core.
like an angry ocean.
like warm bread
rich with yeast.
I tumble
through daydreams
of your skin.
the surface of which
into visions
of your bottomless eyes
and the curve of your mouth
matching perfectly
the curve
of the small of my back.
I am spiraling
down a staircase
of lust
and comfort
and withdrawal.
I will lie back,
and slide through
the tunnel bеtween
your double helix.
I will dive in your DNA.
I will stay hеre,
comatose in the wake
of your everything-ness.
Your all.
I will make permanent residence
right here
in your acquaintance.