I have not seen the Sun in 7 days.
I have seen Frankfurt,
5 countries
and 1 planet.
Just Earth.
No stars.
Just clouds.
And no Sun…
Earth is bleaker in the dark.
The gray hazy dark.
The upside-down and sleepless dark.
Not the romantic kind
that fills the gaps in between city lights
and candlelit dinners
and moonlight bouncing o of crystal glasses
lled with champagne, lipstick-stained.
I sat on an old bus,
packed in like crowded teeth in a young mouth,
and I saw a little girl.
She frowned at me.
I began to panic.
They say children can sense dread.
This is the first child who hasn’t smiled
when I cast a glance in thеir direction.
Has my heart,
once so full of lovе,
nally drained itself like a yellow raisin?
Will the children begin to notice?
She looks at me quizzically and smiles.
Kicks her feet
and then shakes her head no.
As if to answer my question.
I met a mind reader. Aged 4 or 5.
I have seen light burst forth from a magic eye.
From a heart more wholesome than mine.
Astronomic miracles, in an unfathomable form.
But I still haven’t seen the Sun