I can feel it burn in my nose.
I can feel the tears swell
like raindrops in the corners of my eyes
until they get so fat
they threaten to slide down my face.
My fingers graze your arm
and I can feel little electric volts
wrapping up and around my wrists
like a spiral staircase
like a static handcuff
holding my hand hostage to your skin.
I can feel my heart climb into my throat
and curl up on the carpet
with its head between its knees,
to hide from the
beating loud
like a thunderstorm outside.
I can taste the salt of your sweat
on the roof of my mouth.
I can rеmember the tastе
like it’s still on my lips
even when I am 3,000 miles away.
In my head,
I replay a mixtape of your laughter
sounding off from my phone
and I call you every 20 minutes.
I will hold your hand till my fingers are cold
and bluer than a Picasso
till the blood has left them.
I will kiss your head
and rub your shoulders
and bring you ease and ecstasy
till your foggy head stops ringing like a car alarm.
I will wipe every tear.
(I like everything about you,
even the things you give away.
Like tears
and laughs
and yawns
and lost eyelashes.)
I will be there when the sun comes up
curled in your lap
rubbing my eyes and smiling softly.
I will listen to the same sad songs
and over
and over again
till they vibrate in my skull
when the volume ceases.
I love the sun for shining on your skin,
I love the wind for blowing through your hair,
I love the coee for staining your teeth
and warming your palms in the morning.
I would protect you till the end of time.
I would lie down
in the middle of a tornado
and cover you.