He loves to bring me watermelon.
Spits in my mouth, seeds.
To grow inside my stomach like
A thing that begs to feed
I lick his lips from watermelon,
Spread across my cheeks.
And that pink sugar Chelsea smile
Is hiding underneath.
Now I devour watermelon,
Bouncing on his knee.
I rock my body back and forth,
So he can feel the heat.
I’m dripping like a watermelon,
Soaking through my seat.
I bite my lip and suckle on
The words between my teeth.
And oh the taste of watermelon,
Subtle but it’s sweet.
I kneel down on the wooden floor
And beg him to proceed.
He fills my mouth with watermelon.
No one hеars me scream.
To overdosе on sugar is more
Painful than it seems.
My tummy hurts from watermelon.
He can be so mean.
But smiles like a gentleman
And licks my body clean.
And when there is no watermelon,
Only vicious weeds,
He puts his fingers in his mouth
To taste the way I bleed.
Now all I crave is watermelon,
Every time I leave.